Saturday, October 23, 2010

Manufacturing integration trend manufacturing and EMS has Approaching

OEM controlled in order to gain more profit from the market, OEM and EMS services to each other for starting the infiltration area.

John Blake is Kodak's consumer digital imaging, general manager of the Department, in his daily work is full of OEM, ODM, EMS and CEM and other acronyms and industry terms. For people outside the electronics industry, these words may be meaningless. But for Blake, he needs every day to deal with the ODM and EMS.

In a recent telephone interview, the executive is almost interchangeable ODM and EMS in the two words, for these two types of partners to give the same meaning. Kodak partners with the ODM and EMS to rebuild its outsourcing model.

In the high-tech manufacturing, the past is usually obvious differences exist. But with the competitive strategy of evolving the enterprise into new markets, these differences are rapidly disappearing. The industry believes that this phenomenon is the manufacture of portable products are prominent in this area before, electronic manufacturing services (EMS) providers and original design manufacturers (ODM) are engaged in significant differences between the activities, but now This difference is gradually reduced.

"I think the OEM will not be too concerned about which martial art from its manufacturing partners, more interested and able to meet their needs partners." Technology Forecasters said Niti Agrawal, senior consultant, "In some markets, ODM and EMS provide a similar service, OEM is considering using both accomplish the same business, or by using them in different product lines. "

ODM products from the outset in the design and use of a standard PC in the field of technology. Today, ODM has become a high volume of professional computer and mobile phone manufacturers, OEM customers of these products only need a little customization you can. Has the same organization chart, EMS companies engaged in the design phase of product life cycle, the part after the bear from prototype manufacturing to mass production manufacturing of everything.

The gradual disappearance of boundaries between the two

Like all things, the situation changed only a matter of time. Today, ODM and EMS is gradually disappearing boundaries between the major reason may come from several aspects: First, ODM and EMS companies like OEM markets under the control of the source to get more profit; Second, the expectations of OEM customers constantly changing, in order to survive had to extend their service.

In this market environment, the top ODM has begun to strengthen its capacity to serve the global market. Them more quickly in the server, mobile and consumer electronics products and other non-PC areas awarded the contract, and with the launch of which some of Qi Ye started its own brand product line, ODM suppliers and retail channels in their influence continued to grow.

At the same time, EMS companies have been increasing design services. They can create the design first name of the banner, then the supply chain design, and now into a complete ODM model.

More importantly, EMS and ODM growth rate decreased year by year. Industry observers said the two camps overlap not only in its ability to provide services or the level of revenue in the market are also becoming more and more close. Technology Forecasters from the statistical data, EMS 2003, the company's operating income growth of about 7.4%, ODM was significantly increased by 35%; in 2005 the two data decreased to 4% and 21%.

Although far from the surface of these figures, but Agrawal noted that, if re-evaluation and classification of Foxconn, the situation may be big changes. The EMS from Taiwan manufacturers, the business has two major areas across the EMS and ODM.

Foxconn camp will be classified as different growth rates in these two areas will have large fluctuations. For example, the data in 2005, Foxconn is listed as ODM company, but if it is reclassified as a camp, then EMS, ODM growth rate of sales from 21% to 16%, while sales will be from the EMS 4% to 12%. "Foxconn every area involved in that, they both ODM is EMS." Agrawal said, "When we started to look at ODM and EMS data, on how to classify them, we are all different."

All areas of the OEM market, companies are committed to selling and stripping away the core competitiveness more responsibility. The boundaries between various types of enterprises will become more blurred, so the classification of electronic manufacturing companies become more complex.

Name start unification

In fact, OEM has led to change the title of the action initiated. Some PC manufacturers will ODM and EMS companies gathered in the contract design manufacturer (CDM, Contract Design Manufacturer), under the banner. ODM and EMS will focus on the broader definition of the term among the CDM, this trend implies that in the choice of OEM partners will have greater flexibility, and do not care partners to address, but rather to find the best partner to complete The task at hand.

For example, Kodak in August and Flextronics of Singapore signed a contract, ranging from design to logistics of the business. EMS as the top company, Flextronics not only responsible for all of Kodak's digital camera manufacturing activities, including design and open the camera function and the related operations and logistics services. "We not only want partners to be able to bring manufacturing efficiency and cost-effectiveness, but also hope they have a wider range of capabilities." Kodak's Blake said.

Change the call is not difficult, but the products faster to market pressures are affecting the entire industry, the overlap in services and, in some product areas heated competition. With the traditional high-end products into the mass market, as well as the program platform, these products become more common, some businesses may have the same ability to spread to a number of partners who.

Although there are many choices, but in the pursuit of price discounts and guarantee quality and service under the guidance of long-term goal of consistency, OEM companies prefer to maintain a period of time with several selected partners. Therefore, an early sign the contract at the tender stage, the EMS and ODM for urgency.

But the competition is fierce. Agrawal said that in the spring of 2005, 49 enterprises interviewed 20% of EMS, said the project tenders are facing direct competition from the ODM. The spring of 2006, 43 EMS companies have 28% holding this view.

Outsourcing partner selection according to the required

For the OEM, choose the right outsourcing partner can be relatively easily. Many OEM manufacturers have shown that partners are less concerned about what category, but about who the highest quality and lowest price to complete the task, and the most flexibility. "OEM would ask what they do best and what their partners do best." ISuppli analyst Adam Pick the company said, "This will determine the OEM or EMS company will select the ODM manufacturers."

In addition, if a field of OEM PC manufacturers want to maintain price leadership, and has established a strong global supply chain, it may be because the ODM has a design capacity of the related fields tend to cooperate with the ODM manufacturers. If an OEM has a design strength and the need logistics help, it may choose to EMS companies. In addition, some vendors also may adopt hybrid manufacturing strategy in order to market a broader range of products, they will demand specific products to determine the selection of the EMS or ODM.

Respond to these demands from the OEM, Solectron and Celestica EMS and other top companies are emphasizing its strengths in the global production, including their lean manufacturing processes, and distributors, suppliers and logistics service providers between close relationship, for after-sales maintenance and warranty support service capability and their newly formed project team. In addition, they also made it clear that it will not compete with the OEM customer. However, in ODM in the field, when a manufacturer to a technology platform has accumulated sufficient expertise, it may launch its own brand, which often happens.

"Our selling point is the partnership." Solectron's executive vice president and chief technology officer Dave Purvis said, "There is a pattern we call it product management, has been relatively successful. If there is an existing product line, and OEM hope to update the product, we can assume the implementation of the product line to take over part of the design, manufacturing, supply chain and reverse logistics. "For example, he said, for some short life cycle of electronic products, such as consumer set-top box, may every three months requires a new framework. OEM only want to maintain the basic structure of a few years, every three months, also hopes to launch a variant of the architecture.

Emergence of new manufacturing paradigm

As the industry continues to converge, more models are to emerge. For example, some ODM spin out a new business, part of the remains ODM business, but the other part into its own brand business. Market research firm PRTM's director Manoj Kumar to these enterprises as "OBM". In addition, some OEM ODM, who is also the role, and the second-tier ODM and EMS companies are also trying to fight for his place. "There is huge in these areas change." Kumar said, "There is a growing awareness of the need to set the power of multiple vendors to develop, manufacture and sale of branded products."

Acer in Taiwan in 2002, recognizes this point, when the company created Wistron (Wistron), and manufacturing as a separate entity, while the parent company is focusing on developing their own brands. The PC maker's spokesman said the reason for taking this route is to avoid and other top PC OEM firms.

Ranked by PC unit shipments, Wistron ranked third highest in Quanta Computer and Compal after. The company from its parent company and other 10 PC OEM vendors get a substantial number of manufacturing contracts in 2005, Wistron's revenue of 50 billion dollars, 2.2 billion in 2002, its business growth comes mainly from PC in the field. The company spokesman said: "For us, the field can be great in the PC market, but we are facing multiple directions."

Annual turnover of 1 billion U.S. dollars of the D-Link Systems Inc. in the OEM and ODM development path to take another route, it is the United States D-Link's North American department. From a business model point of view, D-Link is also OEM ODM, production of advanced networking products, broadband, digital, voice and data communications products, has its own brand, and to undertake other OEM ODM work. "Our key to success in the flexibility." The Steven Joe, president and CEO, said the existing products, about 70% of its own brand, and the remaining 30% is for other OEM products . "In the short span of 5 to 7 years ago, these numbers just the opposite."

With the D-Link build up your reputation, it also plans to outsource manufacturing operations to other ODM or EMS companies, and chip manufacturers, technology providers and distribution channels to establish closer ties between.

The survival of two companies

EMS and ODM industry has been a major shift in all the top manufacturers in the body, but it is not proved that two companies reflect not sensitive enough. According to data published by iSuppli Corporation, the top 10 EMS companies and top 10 overall in 2005 ODM contract manufacturing accounted for 67% of the market, total revenues reached 1,470 million. The two ODM and OEM manufacturers have a regional advantage, and focus on niche markets, these advantages will enable 23 companies overall business size in 2010 45 billion U.S. dollars, far higher than the 19.1 billion in 2005. This EMS provider Elcoteq of Finland and other vendors is good news, the company established ODM business the last five years, for the communication industry.

Elcoteq decided to use the ODM business to complement its EMS business, in order to deal with mobile phone services and related technology platforms to mature situation. "In our value chain to offer fully integrated ODM model, from design to manufacturing, delivery and after-sales support." Elcoteq product development senior vice president Anssi Korhonen said, "Our ODM model the main areas for certain quantities and markets well-known OEM companies. "

Despite the emerging model, but there are still long-term viability of the contract manufacturing industry questions. "ODM and EMS will be on how the competition is uncertain." ISuppli analyst Adam Pick the company said, "ODM or EMS companies getting the better of the industry, they must determine their competitive advantage and long-term defense strategy."

With the emergence of new business

Increasing competition to promote EMS and ODM providers to enter new markets and develop new business, which they need in any means possible to protect them. Design and innovation, lean manufacturing and 6 Sigma tools of production, supply chain and logistics efficiency, and any other tactics to attract OEM look.

So, how to position themselves these competitors do? EMS and ODM what measures are being taken to highlight the characteristics of their own? Moreover, with the division of labor increasingly blurred, the electronics industry to face in the inflection point of these two very different manufacturing妯″紡?瀵逛簬鍚勪釜鍘傚晢鏉ヨ锛岀瓟妗堝悇涓嶇浉鍚屻?浣嗕笟鍐呬汉澹〃绀猴紝涓嶇閲囧彇浜嗕粈涔堢瓥鐣ワ紝鍦ㄨ浜т笟涓嚧鑳滈兘褰掑洜浜庡叾鎵?睍鐜板嚭鏉ョ殑鑳藉姏銆?br />

銆??褰撹璁℃鍦ㄥ彉鎴愪竴椤归噸瑕佷笟鍔★紝EMS鍏徃姝e湪灏嗚嚜宸辩殑鏈嶅姟鍖呰鎴愭洿鍔犲畬鏁寸殑瑙e喅鏂规銆傛瘮濡傦紝澶╂硴鍏徃鐨勭瓥鐣ヨ祫娣卞壇鎬昏Art Cimento琛ㄧず锛岃鍏徃鍒涢?浜嗕竴绉嶇О涓衡?Bell Bay鈥濈殑瑙e喅鏂规鍔犻?鍣紝杩欐槸涓?鍏堣繘鐨勭數淇¤绠楁灦鏋勶紝鍙互鍔犱互淇敼锛屼互閫傚悎鍏蜂綋鐨勪骇鍝併?璇ュ姞閫熶负OEM鎻愪緵浜嗕竴涓熀鏈殑璁捐骞冲彴锛屽彲浠ュ鍏惰繘琛屽畾鍒躲?

銆??澶╂硴棰勬湡杩欑鏈嶅姟鐨勬帹鍑哄彲浠ュ府鍔╁鎴风缉鐭柊浜у搧闈㈠競鐨勬椂闂淬?鎹倝锛屽畠宸茬粡鐪嬪埌涓?瀹㈡埛鐨勪骇鍝佷笂甯傛椂闂翠粠6~9涓湀缂╃煭鍒?涓湀銆傗?鎴戜滑鎵?彁渚涚殑璁捐鏈嶅姟鍜屼笓涓氭妧鏈富瑕佹槸閽堝OEM涓嶆効鎰忓仛鐨勯儴鍒嗭紝濡傛満姊版垨澶栧3绛夋柟闈㈢殑宸ヤ綔銆傗?Cimento琛ㄧず锛屸?鏈変簡杩欎釜鍔犻?鍣紝鎴戜滑鐜板湪鍔姏鍦ㄤ骇鍝佹姇浜т箣鍓嶈瘉鏄庢蹇电殑姝g‘鎬у苟缂栧啓鍑烘搷浣滄寚鍗椼?鈥?br />
銆??EMS鍘傚晢涔熷湪鍋氶暱杩滄墦绠椼?浠栦滑鏁插紑浜嗛偅浜涘湪澶栧寘棰嗗煙姝ヤ紣缂撴參鐨凮EM鐨勫ぇ闂紝鍔姏涓庤埅绌鸿埅澶┿?鍖荤枟銆侀珮绔?璁瓑浜т笟棰嗗煙涓殑鍘傚晢寤虹珛鎸佺画鏃堕棿鍙兘杈冮暱鐨勫悎鍚屻?Cimento琛ㄧず锛岃繖绉嶇瓥鐣ュ彲浣垮緱EMS鍏徃鎶垫秷鍏跺鐢佃剳銆佹墜鏈恒?鍠峰ⅷ鎵撳嵃鏈哄拰鏌愪簺绫诲瀷鏈嶅姟鍣ㄧ殑渚濊禆锛屾墍鏈夎繖浜涗骇鍝侀兘宸插浜庢垨鑰呮鍦ㄥ悜ODM妯″紡杩囨浮銆?br />


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

FreeBSD Serial (49): access to X Window

X server implementation of the program is located in / usr/X11R6/bin directory, and uses a symbolic link "X", pointing to the implementation of specific procedures, such as XF86_VGA16 or XF86_S3V so. Therefore can directly enter the X command to set a good X server starts, the system will enter the graphics state, and the emergence of an X-shaped mouse pointer move, but no other reaction. This is because the X server is only responsible for input and display the specific address of the user's input from the other X client is responsible for, and directly start the X server does not start any X clients, and thus can not handle any user input.

Manually start the X Window

Therefore, to use graphical interface, processing power, start the X server at the same time should also start the X client to be responsible for responding to user input. This task can startx or xinit by shell procedures to achieve, both programs can start X at the same time, start the X Window window management procedures, and other X program.

startx and xinit default view user personal directory. xinitrc file, in this document should contain all X client startup command. Simple. Xinitrc may only contain a command to start a terminal emulation xterm, you can include a series of commands to start several programs, create a beautiful X environment. Want your own custom X Window operating environment users can manually create and modify this file to get a different user interface.

xmodmap-e''keysym Alt_L = Meta_L Meta_L''
xterm &
xearth &

In this example, the implementation of the xmodmap keyboard to modify the definition of X, then the implementation of xterm in the background to provide a simulation of the terminal, set the X Window implementation xearth the background, and finally at the front desk to perform a simple window manager twm. Was placed in front window manager implementation, so that when out of the window manager will quit the X server implementation.

By default, the user did not create this. Xinitrc file, so xinit command can only start a xterm terminal emulator, but not perform any other X program, does not implement window manager. Therefore, the direct use xinit to start X Window just have a terminal window, move the mouse on it later, can enter the command to perform other operations. Users who want to start the window manager or other procedures must be in a terminal window, enter the appropriate command.

Because there are several windows in X Window, but only one is called "focus" of the window to receive input. X Window default location using the mouse to select the input focus window, of course, some other window manager can also switch the keyboard input focus window.

But even if does not exist. Xinitrc file, use startx can start the window manager and several X client program, this is because startx found that users personal directory does not exist. Xinitrc file, to use the system in the / usr/X11R6/lib / X11/xinit/xinitrc procedures as xinit startup file (startx is a shell script that calls xinit). So change the system xinitrc file, you can not create all. Xinitrc user still enjoys a start file to start the X Window System. Since FreeBSD is a multi-user system, this configuration file can simplify start the initial configuration tasks for each user. In the user's understanding deepened after X Window, you can further configure their own startup files to customize their use of X Window style.

XDM system login

startx or xinit must first log on after the console, enter the appropriate command to enter the X Window environment. Another method for the pre-start the X Window system, log into the system under X Window. This approach is to use xdm to achieve.

To root user login, the command line input xdm, the system immediately start the X server, and start the appropriate access management program, the X Window on a login window appears, allowing all users to log into the system.

After the user login authentication, xdm will need to start the login session for the user. xdm on the implementation of the user identity / usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession file, and then implementation of the user personal directory. xsession file. Personal directory. Xsession file. Xinitrc file like it is a standard shell script, the following is an example.

PATH = / usr / bin: / usr / sbin /: / usr/X11R6/bin: / usr / local / bin
xrdb-load. Xdefaults
xterm &
xearth &

The file with the. Xinitrc file difference is that, as. Xinitrc is after the user logs used by the xinit, so including the PATH environment variables have been included in the user's. Profile and other documents in the settings right, but by xdm Log in user is not running. profile settings, such as file, it must be. xsession set PATH and other environmental variables, to correctly find all executable files, or it must use the absolute path to start the application.

Another difference is that the individual directory. Xsession file must exist, the user can enter through the normal XDM X Window, an error will occur if the login process. For xinit speaking,. Xinitrc is not required if the. Xsession problems of implementation, the user does not login from xdm to log into the system interface. At this point the user can check the appropriate directory. Xsession-errors file, this file will contain the implementation. Xsession error message.

In FreeBSD 3.1-RELEASE There is a small problem,. Xsession is necessary to have the executable attribute, otherwise it can not be properly implemented, this problem has been fixed in 3.2-RELEASE. Can. Xsession-errors in the error message to find the error.

Log in using the root system first and then hand the implementation of a debugging xdm was just a means of implementation, if we were to allow users to log in using xdm, should be run automatically at boot time xdm, the simplest way is to / usr/X11R6/etc / rc.d directory, add an executable file, such as name, and use the chmod + x so that it can be executed, the simplest form of for the following:

#! / Bin / sh
echo "Enter xdm"
/ Usr/X11R6/bin/xdm

This system will start directly after the start xdm, into the X Window and display a login screen waiting for user login. xdm with a daemon running in the background, every time the user will automatically restart after the withdrawal of another login screen that allows users to log on.

Of course, can also xdm command into the rc.local file, but use a separate startup file startup file so much more neat and clear.

Start Xdm Another way is to change the / etc / ttys settings, the system will ttys file in the terminal configuration in the corresponding start the corresponding program, so you can spare in a console terminal, usually the fourth Virtual Console ttyv3, start xdm.

ttyv3 "/ usr/X11R6/bin/xdm-nodaemon" xterm on secure

ttys specified in the process of re-generated with characteristics of each process to be reinstated immediately after withdrawal. So you can not use xdm's own daemon function, and let the system to maintain Xdm automatically. Need to use-nodaemon parameters of the normal process xdm to run.

Remote start X client:

X protocol X Window own support network is a distributed architecture. If FreeBSD and other Unix users connected through the network, you can run X on a client computer, and will run the X window server on another computer.

Because a computer can run multiple X servers, each server will support multiple displays, then the X client program must confirm that a certain computer server on a single screen display, it must include the computer address, X server serial number and display number to uniquely identify the location of a display of resources, such as xserver: 0.0, typically a computer and not excessive in the X server, the X server does not have multiple displays, so you can the location of the display of resources to simplify the general use of xserver: 0 representation.

This representation can sign a remote X server, display position, when the implementation of the X client program, you need to use the display in the command line option to tell the X client program that shows the location of parameters.

xclient $ xterm-display xserver: 0 &

Or by setting the DISPLAY environment variable to achieve the same purpose.

xclient $ DISPLAY = xserver: 0; export DISPLAY
xclient $ xterm &

Both methods are called xserver to the X server on the computer sent the request, but can also normally out the window must be the X server's permission. By default, the X server with access control, standard access control allows only X clients with access permission, and subroutines to access the X server's resources, and other X clients can not use the X server resources. When users start the X server startx and xinit, or when logged into the system through xdm, then start the X client program on the inheritance of the original access. However, the network started X clients, use the X server resource on the subject of this access control, and do not start properly.

Control of X server access control command for the xhost, to enable the display of resources can be xclient xserver on the procedures used by X clients, you must already have the ability to access X server X-terminal emulation run the following command:

xserver $ xhost xclient

Xhost command allows xclient above the X client computer using the X server, you can also use + as xhost implementation parameters, which will allow any X client programs to access X server, and therefore there are some security issues. If you use the X server through the network the situation more, you can put the corresponding xhost command. Xinitrc or. Xsession, the automatic settings.

xserver $ rsh xclient / usr/X11R6/bin/xterm-display xserver: 0
wb's password:

The above is a use rsh on a remote computer running X program, which will open the window back to X server example, in the implementation of this command should be executed before the xhost client to open access.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Modeling with UML to note problems

Modeling with UML, software development process is required, must be use case driven, architecture-centric, iterative and incremental development, if the software development organization's software development process can not meet these three requirements, then the UML- use is compromised, the following detail:

First, use-case driven

Use-case driven means that the definition of use cases for the system is the basis for the entire development process.

Use case in a number of core work processes have played a role.

1, the concept of use cases can be used to represent business processes, we call this variant of use cases as "business use cases."

2, use case model is a demand for the output of the workflow. Early in the process, through use cases to create the user wants the system to complete the task model. This use case constitutes an important basic concept, customers and system developers have to endorse the concept.

3, in the analysis and design, the use case is implemented in the design model. You need to generate a realization of use cases to illustrate how the model in the design of interactive objects to perform the use cases. This model is designed to illustrate the implementation of the object components of the system, and how these components interact to perform the use case.

4, in the implementation stage, the design model is to implement the statute. Use case model as the basis for the design, so the use cases need to be implemented through the design class.

5, during testing, use case is to determine the basis of test cases and test process. In other words, through the implementation of each use case to verify the system.

6, in the project management process, use cases are used as the basis for iterative development plan.

7, in the deployment process, they form the basis of the contents of the user manual explained. Use cases can also be used to determine how combinations of product components. For example, customers can conduct by some combination of use cases to configure a system.

Second, the structure of the center

Framework is important for several reasons:

1, which allows you to maintain a sense of the project and the control of the situation to cope with complex projects, while maintaining system integrity.

A complex system is not just the sum of its various components, not just the relationship between a series of unrelated, small decision skills. It must rely on a coherent unified structure to a structured organization of those parts, and provide precise rules, the system development process, its complexity will not expand beyond human comprehension.

Design issues for discussion through the establishment of a set of public information materials and a common vocabulary, the framework provides a means to enhance communication and understanding.

2, it is a valid basis for large-scale reuse.

Articulated between them through the main components and key interfaces, the framework for your decision to provide the basis for re-use, including the internal multiplexing (identify common parts), and external multiplexing (into the ready-made components). It also allows larger scale reuse: reuse of the framework itself, to handle different functions in the same field.

3, architecture can also serve as the basis for project management.

Project planning and staffing are the main components according to the type of organization to carry out. The basic structure of decision-making is composed of a relatively fixed framework of the Panel made, they are not scattered. The development activities were assigned to several groups, each group responsible for developing the system one or more parts.

Third, iterative and incremental development

Iterative methods are generally superior to linear or waterfall approach, for many reasons.

1, allows to change the demand. Requirements sometimes change, which often cause trouble for the project, which will lead to late delivery, schedule delays, customer dissatisfaction, developers frustrated.

2, gradually integrating elements. In the iterative method, the integration can be said to be continuous. End of the project in the past to account for a longer period of the project workload, uncertain and difficult times, and now dispersed to 6-9 integrated part, each part of the integration of the elements to be much less than in the past .

3, early risk reduction. Because the risks are generally only in the integration phase can be identified or addressed. In the initial iteration, the check all the core work processes, project tools, commercial software, and personnel skills, and many other aspects of running. The risks identified in the past is no longer a risk may be proved, but may be a number of new risks has not been doubted.

4, contribute to organizational learning and improvement. Team members have the opportunity throughout the life cycle of learning by doing, display their talents. Testers can begin testing earlier, technical documentation writers can start writing early, others too. If the non-iterative development, these people only in the early planning or training skills, and air waiting to start their work. Training requirements, etc. can also be made as early as possible in the assessment review.

5, to improve reusability. Design or implementation of the sub-section of all common than pre-defined to better identify the common parts. The identification and development of reusable parts is not easy. Early iterations of the design review framework allows designers to identify potential reuse is no doubt part of the next iteration in the development and improvement of the common code.

6, generate stronger performance of the product. Because the number of iterations that you always try to correct the error. Kai from the first stage in the product after the initial iteration of defects can still be found. Performance bottlenecks can be early detection and treatment, rather than in the eve of the delivery, this time too late to deal with.

7, allowing the product to change tactics. For example, competition with existing similar products. May decide to pre-empt competitors by-step approach, early release of a simplified product features, or adopt existing technologies from other vendors.

8, iterative process itself can be improved during the process and refining. Assessment at the end of the first iteration of products and progress not only from the perspective of the case study projects, but also of what their own organizations and processes to be improved, so that the next iteration better finish the job.

Usually in the software development process, iterative in number, duration and objectives are carried out according to plan. Roles and responsibilities of participants are well established. Progress of the objectives of the evaluation will be recorded for future reference. From one iteration to the next iteration of the phenomenon does exist rework, but rework is carried out in strict accordance with the regulations.

4, using the wrong question

Many employees in the process of using UML, modeling is carried out in the field, no use case modeling, it can not play the greatest possible advantage of UML, since the organization's software development process is not driven by use cases.

If the software development organization's software development process can not meet these three requirements, then the use of UML is compromised. Will have some problems, some organizations 浣跨敤 UML, the Fa Xian early design of the model took Hen time to the Xiang Mu's in Houqi and 鐪熸 far from the results of development, so all shelved, and if they arise, they should be carefully study the organization of the software development process, whether to meet the three requirements mentioned above, if the software does not meet the iterative development process, the model did not improve with the progress of this issue is very vulnerable.

UML2.0 and MDA (Model Driven Architecture) proposed some preliminary and follow-up the development cycle model of inconsistency problem is the conversion to complete by the model automatically changes the model, not all of the various levels of abstraction of the model be modified But the MDA for the most people need some time to accept.

V. Summary

In summary, UML software modeling though a useful weapon, but also to follow certain rules to use, otherwise it can not play good value, will be duplication of efforts.

Understand the premise of using UML, and seriously implemented in accordance with these methods, I believe there will be the desired results.


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